Презентация про казахстан на английском языке

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Kazakhstan is the democratic and independent republic. Усть-Каменогорск - является городом с 1868 г. Казахстан в мире Слайдов: 18 Слов:Звуков: 0 Эффектов: 0 Классный час на тему: «Во имя мира и созидания»..

The minimum voting age in England. The national emblem of Scotland. Скидка предоставляется по условиям сделки. The most important competition are held there. Cлайд 10 Или — самая крупная река в Семиречье.

Kazakhstan is the democratic and independent republic. The leading branch of agriculture is the production of wheat, sheep rising, and horse breeding. Корея и Казахстан Слайдов: 12 Слов:Звуков: 0 Эффектов: 0 республика корея и республика казахстан..

Презентация по английскому языку на тему Kazakhstan and Great Britain - The number of Kazakhs in 1999-2009 increased thus by 26% or 2.

This year is especially valuable for us. We have approached the 20th anniversary of our independence. We also export more than 200 kinds of products to 126 countries of the world. Today, one third of the national wealth is created by small and medium-sized businesses. We must continue to modernize education. As of today, the computerization of schools is totally completed. They are equipped with multimedia classrooms, interactive equipment. The introduction of a 12-year secondary education model is under way. Languages We will also develop Russian and languages of other ethnic groups in Kazakhstan. Dear deputies and members of the Government! Today Kazakhstan is one of the few safe country in the world. We can continue to showcase stability, tolerance, and national unity. The end of the lesson.

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